Ambitious multi-centric European AI lighthouse moving forward!
During the last two years, ELLIS has set up a network of 34 units across 14 European countries and Israel, committing more than 300 Mio EUR of their own funding towards building a joint AI lighthouse. The units include most of the leading existing European AI sites, jointly advocating the foundation of a set of dedicated ELLIS institutes in European countries.

ELLIS working towards the creation of a multi-centric AI Lighthouse
The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligence Systems (ELLIS) fully supports a multi-centric excellence-driven approach and calls on Governments of EU Member States and Members of the European Parliament to support this proposal in their consideration of the Commission’s AI Strategy and associated legislation.
In a major step towards this goal, a contract for a significant private endowment and accompanying public funding to build the first such institute has just been announced as Hector foundation decided to support the establishment of an ELLIS institute with 100 million euros on January 27, 2022.
ELLIS has already demonstrated how a decentralised, pan-European excellence-driven approach to AI research and innovation can help secure European AI leadership. In its first 3 years, it has attracted 3000 applications from students and researchers seeking to work in European AI labs, created a tightly-knit community of more than 800 excellent AI scientists, including 157 ERC grant winners, and built a network of 34 ELLIS units, selected on the basis of scientific excellence, which have committed more than 300M Euro of their own funding for an initial period of five years. The strength of engagement with ELLIS from researchers across the EU illustrates the desire in the European AI community to collaborate in a distributed network that is built on bringing together outstanding scientists who want to make a difference.
for more information on ELLIS Lighthouse please visit ELLIS website